Monday, November 9, 2009

UCR Sociology is Bunk

Good early morning to you, everyone!

I've decided to stop numbering my posts. Just because. Live with it.

Moving on, more and more people are telling me they read this. With that said, you'd expect me to update regularly, and on a fixed schedule, right?


HA HA HA- shit, I can't eat anything with only three teeth...

Anyway, fixed updating schedules are for tools with nothing better to do with their lives. I may have nothing better to do with my life than entertain you with my blog, but I'm no damn tool! And so, today's post.... about my late night life. Yes, the very first me-centric post of my blogging career. Get over it. Moving on, my late night life tonight consists of a sociology paper...

...which is now the topic of the post. Sociology. Yes. I have decided this, and you have NO RIGHT TO ARGUE. While I prep my post, enjoy this pleasing image of my opinion of your disapproval:

'nuff said.

Moving on... sociology is bunk. It is a discipline created by the have not's, in order to guilt the have's into feeling bad about their lives, and thus turn the have not's through the power of pity into haves. Granted, as a discipline, sociology is valid; perhaps I should've been more clear, UC RIVERSIDE SOCIOLOGY IS BUNK.

According to my TA, "over 90% of the department" consists of "avowed Marxists."

This clown.

Now, I'm all for political differences in America. Problem is, Marxism undermines the very foundations of American thought. These people, who support an ideology that undermines American thought, are teaching your children about social classes. Marxism promotes social class upheaval, in a distinctly un-American fashion; the rise of the proletariat, and "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

That's Communism, by the way.

The Obama Administration. HA HA HA I MADE A POLITICAL JOKE!

The entire mentality espoused by these people is ridiculous, and my paper equally so. As a taste of what we UC students suffer through, here's part of my prompt:

"...find a scholarly article on your own dealing with stratification in the criminal justice system and write a brief report on this article relating it to issues discussed in your Henslin text. You are required to find something that has to do with the Prison Industrial Complex (PIC), but are not limited to just this topic."

As defined by Wikipedia (that goddess of e-knowledge) in a sociological context, stratification is " the dividing of a society into levels based on power or socioeconomic status." It defines the PIC as a "term [which] often [implies] a network of actors who are motivated by making profit rather than solely by punishing or rehabilitating criminals or reducing crime rates."

So essentially, it has been said to us in so many words in a simple essay topic that prison is a creation of capitalist greed and the stratification of the lower classes to criminal status by the evil big business elite.

What UCR Sociology visualizes as the big business elite; a concept completely based in reality, and not on a movie's depiction of businessmen. Right?

Here then, is where UCR Sociology needs to get off it's damn pedestal. Yeah, private industry is in it to make money. Thing is, where else would you rather put these cuddly inmates- yknow, rapists, murderers, bank robbers, that lot- into "rehabilitation homes," where Grandma Ethel will teach them how to knit their way back into society?

That'll teach YOU not to rape, murder, and steal!

Seriously folks, come the hell on. Do we honestly need to let gang bangers, murderers, and rapists have a nice cuddly helping hand? Or, do they need to suffer for their crimes? I tend to side more with "suffer" and less with "cuddly;" these people are the scum of the Earth, and deserve to be treated as such. I don't care if Mr. X grew up in a shack by the river wearing a terry cloth for his only clothing, if he raped and then murdered ten people with an axe, he doesn't deserve rehabilitation: he deserves incarceration. His sociological perspective did NOT land him in that situation; his disgusting lack of a conscience did. Even if it by some chance DID, in the funny little world UC intellectuals live in, it wouldn't matter either way; society cannot and should not let this sort of crime go unpunished. Warm feel-good policies have nothing to do with this; prison is about punishment, and that's that.

Whew, time to get back to writing this disgustingly leftist paper. Stay frosty, kids... I'm going to go have one more coffee before I dive back in. Wish me luck!


1 comment:

  1. I can now blame your lack of posting on MW2 and the rest of your unhealthy obsessions. Cheers.
    ~Jezz, off to do my history paper.
