Sunday, November 1, 2009

Post #7: Party Fouls 2

Whew, okay, I'm back. Rough couple of nights there, and now a rough day to match. Economics homework can suck it.

Meanwhile though, you were waiting for me to continue on party fouls, yes? No? Whatever, here goes. The following list is gospel, and is written by CollegeHumor.Com:

Party Foul #1: Screaming "Party Foul" when someone drops a drink.

Party Foul #2: Not being able to reach a bathroom before you puke.

Party Foul #3: Trying to start a fight.

Party Foul #4: Someone takes "It" out.

Party Foul #5: Screwing Around with the Music

Party Foul #6: Having Sex in a Roommate's Bed

Party Foul #7: Breaking Stuff

Party Foul #8: Not Chipping In

Party Foul #9: Urinating Indoors

Party Foul #10: The Cockblock

This list is indisputably good, and true, and 100% accurate. However, I'd like to add a few extras, if I may.

Party Foul #11: The Buzzkill

This is the one dude that has to ruin every buzz. You just sunk 9 out of 10 cups in BP and have one shot left, and everyone's cheering you on? He'll just talk about how he did 10 out of 10 with 10 shots. You've taken 7 shots in a row? He's done 20, in TJ, in a brothel, with Harrison Ford.

Mr. Ford proclaims his innocence. Would that face lie?

Alternatively, if everyone's having a great night, this is the guy who tells everyone in earshot "Yeah, this party's great, but what if the cops come?" Truly, an epic party foul right here.

Party Foul #12: The Inconsiderate Ex

Yes, we understand the relationship's over. Yes, we understand that you can't always avoid ending up at the same party. But c'mon folks, getting super touchy-feely with a new guy or girl in front of your ex isn't helping anything; you're making sentiments worse, and you're buzzkilling someone else.

No pics can possibly relate to this Party Foul, so here's one of a sad bunny.

On that note then, this is a technical double party foul, but due to the possibility of it being a subdivision of buzzkill, it only counts as one. Nevertheless, still a very un-chill act.

Party Foul #13: Ruining Someone's Car

I don't care if it's puke, piss, or other bodily fluids. You put it on someone else's car, you're going to ruin it for everyone around, especially if you're caught in the act. Just don't touch cars.

"You would piss on US?"

Don't touch cars man, that's a major, major foul!

At that though, I really do have to finish this econ work, so I'll complete this list some other day. Stay frosty people, and I hope you all had great Halloweens!


1 comment:

  1. lol LOL LOL great stuff. I love your input on the party fouls.
