Friday, November 20, 2009

Omegle Trolling

In lieu of a real post filled with thought provoking banter, I'll take this break from midterms to show you some of my recent Omegle trolling. In case you didn't know, Omegle is an anonymous chat service with strangers, which allows for quite a lot of anonymous trolling in the interests of grins and giggles.

Grins and giggles.

Without further ado, I present to you my latest Omegle trolls (warning: not even slightly politically correct):


Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello there!
Stranger: Hello.
You: hows life?
Stranger: Grand. And yours?
You: awesome
You: probably grander than yours.
You: but i'm not entirely sure.
Stranger: I wouldn't bet on it.
You: why's that?
You: i put a kitten in a box today, and threw it in a river.
You: the box was plastic
You: and had no air holes.
You: that's pretty grand, i think.
Stranger: More nifty than grand.
You: so what qualifies as grand?
You: would it need to be a full-grown cat next time?
Stranger: I'm not entirely sure. I make it up as I go. No, that's in the 'splendid' area.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Commentary: I really don't know what to make of this dude's last response. At least he knows that cat murder is indeed splendid.

Troll Attempt #2:

Stranger: 15 female aus
You: You must help me.
You: Good.
Stranger: why whats wrong
You: You are from Australia.
You: I am from New Caledonia.
You: Have you a plane?
You: The soldiers are coming.
Stranger: Yes i have my own jet plane, im famous in australia, why?
You: And we must flee.
You: We must flee now.
You: There is no time.
You: You must call my number immediately.
You: 09-8209-0342
You: It will connect you to the village phone.
You: Let it ring twice, then please call it again.
You: On the second try a man will pick up.
Stranger: it wont connect
You: His name is Jacques.
You: You must try harder.
Stranger: i dont know the numbers for americas code
You: If you do not my village will perish.
You: I am not from America.
You: I am from New Caledonia.
Stranger: well wherever you live
You: We are an island.
You: I do not know so much English.
You: Only what the priest has taught me.
You: You must hurry.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Commentary: Didn't go as I planned, but that's ok.

Troll Attempt #3:

You: Hello I am Zhong He.
You: Are you man or woman?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: man
You: I am man as well.
You: It is good.
Stranger: cool
You: There are many woman on this site.
You: They all do not talk to Zhong He.
Stranger: im not sure
You: I am from China.
You: Where are you from.
Stranger: thats cool
Stranger: the usa
You: Do the women talk to you.
Stranger: no not really
You: I do not think they like China people.
You: It is a problem.
You: I share your pain.
Stranger: yea well thanks
You: I wish you well friend.
You: This is last talk for me.
Stranger: you too
You: Before police come.
Stranger: alright
Stranger: oh boy well
Stranger: have fun in prison
You: For accessing internet site that government does not allow
You: I have been told I will go to jail.
You: But I have locked my door.
Stranger: well good
You: They are hitting it right now.
You: Do you think I will live.
Stranger: ill talk you throught this
Stranger: yes
Stranger: you will live
You: In China sometimes you do not live when the goverment hits you door.
You: Sometimes you will never see family again.
Stranger: wow im sorry man
You: They have entered.
Stranger: say goodbye quick
You have disconnected.

Commentary: Somewhere, someone believes he has just heard the last words of a political dissident in China.

Troll Attempt #4:

You: 21/m/alabama
Stranger: i cannot believe my eyes, how worlds filled with filth and lies, and its plain to see, evil inside of me, is on the riseeeee
You: how bout yall.
You: ah.
You: yall one of them deviant faggots aint you.
Stranger: a deviant
Stranger: big word from a hick from the south
You: yall think we marry our cousins or something?
Stranger: got the grammar just right too
Stranger: u definitely talk like a dumbass
Stranger: impressive
Stranger: ur meeting every strereotype so far
You: I would appreciate it, sir, if you did not look down upon the stereotypes attributed to the common working classes.
You: The work of the proletariat holds that which you hold dear
You: upright.
Stranger: common working classes eh?
You: We, the working man, maintain the standards of life that your bourgeoise selves hold to be a God-given right.
Stranger: dem sounds like commie words to me
Stranger: u aint a red is ya?
You: Sir, I would appreciate it if you did not confuse the words of a socialist with those of a communist.
Stranger: haha hot damn, a socialist in the south, now ive heard everything
You: We hold short shrift with the cruel and inhumane tactics that the Communists find acceptable.
You: Perhaps you do not travel enough sir.
You: One's geographical location need not determine his ideals.
You: Have you considered, kind sir, that it is perhaps YOU that are the bigot?
Stranger: quite happily
You: Looking down upon those from disadvantaged areas from your ivory throne?
Stranger: more or less
Stranger: view gets kinda bad from the top
You: Sir I bid you adieu, your very presence upon the network of information that is the internet offends me to no end.
You have disconnected.

Commentary: He probably didn't see that shift in linguistic ability coming, nor did he see the shift in ideological perspective. Entertaining, that.

Okay with that, I really should get back to studying. Go do some trolling of your own, folks; I bid you all good night!


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