Friday, October 23, 2009

Post #3: Facebook Part 1 - Tagged Pictures

Due to massive amounts of studying for my Econ midterm, I don't have much time to write a quality post or add pictures. So, in this short amount of time, I'll begin the short first post on a series of (planned) posts about Facebook.

Facebook Part 1:
-Facebook is the ultimate social encyclopedia in college. It just is. You can find out everything about people; examples can and will include how drunk your friend was last night (very), if the cute girl you just met is taken (usually), how hard various midterms and quizzes are (extremely), and whether or not your friend cares about what employers/potential employers/family thinks of them. That last one may not seem obvious, but it sure is. As they say, the devil lurks in the details, and the detail here is TAGGED PHOTOS. If you allow people to "view photos of" yourself, you're telling the world that either a) you're invisible and do not appear in pictures, b) have no friends that own cameras, c) have no friends, d) never drink or otherwise misbehave, or e) don't give a shit about getting a good job after graduation.

"But wait," you cry, "of COURSE I care about getting a good job!"

Apparently not. Employers can and will search you on Facebook, and they WILL find the tagged pictures of you doing the keg stand at "that totally awesome party that you can't remember," as well as the ones of you throwing up afterwards. They may also find the ones of you with penises drawn on your forehead in the aftermath of said throwing up; you may never know.

Well, no, you will know. When you're announcing the Blue Light Specials at K-Mart at age 40, because no one hired you. That's when you'll know.

Oh shit, no pictures in this post... so why is there a subtitle here?

Until next time, world.


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