Sunday, December 27, 2009

Things That Anger Me

Song of the Day: We Gonna Rock It (S.U.N.) feat. Zeebra and NOB - DJ Benkei

So again, a picture-less blog post, facilitated by my lazy nature, and a lack of desire to hunt things down.

Anyway, been a while folks. I went on an update-less streak there for a while, and now I'm back. Make of that what you will.

Today is list time. I'm just going to make a list of things that irritate me strongly ranked in terms of how pissed off they make me (top to bottom), make of them what you will.

Behold, my irrational rage:

1. People that smack their lips while they chew.
2. Arrogance, ESPECIALLY liberal arrogance.
3. Hipsters.
4. Cars parked over the damn parking lines (I take special pains to swing my driver's side door ESPECIALLY hard into these assholes).
5. Twilight.
6. Jerking.
7. Bandwagoners.
8. Honda Civics. The bad FAR outnumber the good.
9. Souljah Boy. Yes, he gets a special, SPECIFIC mention.
10. Overly skinny jeans (does this tie in to number 6?).
11. The iPhone.
12. Anyone that wears a beret in America, unless they're military.
13. Sagging jeans.
14. Ripped jeans.
15. Overpriced jeans.
16. People that aren't in the military wearing dogtags.
17. Natty Ice.
18. Guidos.
19. Religious nutjobs.
20. Extreme immaturity (a little bit is encouraged; an excess is stupid).
21. Parents that overly spoil their children.
22. Skunks.
23. Hardboiled eggs.
24. Mercedes Benz build quality.
25. MSNBC.

That's it for today all; I promise I'll try to update more often!


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